7 Ways to Make Money from Amazon Without Investment

You don’t need a lot of effort to make money from Amazon. It’s a huge place where smart people can use what they’re good at, like being creative or influencing others, to earn cash.

There are many ways to do this, like writing books or promoting products, and you don’t have to spend anything to start. Jump into the world of Amazon and let your creative and business skills help you succeed. Amazon is a wonderful platform for growing your business. It doesn’t matter if you’re aiming to sell just a few items for extra cash or if you’re considering starting an online sales branch for your current business. There are various steps you can take, from picking a product to creating and promoting your brand, to make money from Amazon.

Make Money from Amazon

1. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Imagine your story coming to life, touching the hearts and minds of readers across the globe. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offers you that very opportunity. This user-friendly platform empowers you to share your ebook with the world at no cost at all. You’re in control here; you set the price and savor the satisfaction of earning royalties with every purchase.

In the vibrant landscape of ebooks, self-published authors are flourishing. Reports from Author Earnings highlight that self-published ebooks make up a significant portion—over 30%—of all ebook sales in the US. And within this thriving self-publishing arena, KDP stands tall, commanding an impressive market share of over 80%.

KDP isn’t just a platform; it’s a launchpad for independent authors who dream of carving out their niche in the literary world. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or taking your first steps into storytelling, KDP is your ally, guiding you through the journey from manuscript to masterpiece. KDP is a smart way to make money from Amazon.

Make Money from Amazon

Get started with KDP

Getting started with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a straightforward process that opens the door to a world of readers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to begin your self-publishing journey to make money from Amazon.

Visit the KDP website and sign up for an account. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use it to log in.

Once logged in, you’ll be able to set up your book. This includes inputting your book’s details, such as title, description, keywords, and price setting. You can also upload your manuscript and cover art here.

After you’ve filled in all the necessary information and uploaded your book files, you’re ready to publish. Your book will typically appear on Amazon stores worldwide within 72 hours

KDP offers various promotional tools to help you market your book. You can also explore external marketing strategies to reach a broader audience.

Remember, with KDP, you retain full rights to your book, and you can earn up to 70% royalties on ebook sales and up to 60% on print books. Additionally, if you choose to enroll your ebook in KDP Select, it becomes exclusive to Amazon, which can be beneficial for reaching Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

2. Become an Affiliate with Amazon Associates

Imagine you’ve just found an amazing product on Amazon, and you can’t wait to tell your friends about it. Now, imagine if sharing your excitement could also fill your pockets. That’s where the Amazon Associates program comes into play. It’s like being a digital matchmaker; you link people to products they’ll love, and Amazon rewards you with a commission for each sale made through your referral. In this way, you can make money from Amazon.

Here’s the scoop
  • Set Up Your Space: Whether you have a blog, a bustling website, or social media accounts with followers hanging on to your every post, you’re all set.
  • Pick Your Favorites: Browse Amazon’s vast selection and choose products that resonate with your audience.
  • Share with Love: Use your unique affiliate link to share these finds with your circle.
  • Earn Effortlessly: When your referrals result in sales, you earn a commission—anywhere from 1% to 10%, depending on what’s bought.

With over two million go-getters already in the Amazon Associates family, it’s not just a side hustle; it’s a global movement. So why not join in?

Make Money from Amazon

How do you sign up for Amazon Associates?

Signing up for the Amazon Associates program is a straightforward process. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:

Go to the Amazon Associates Central website. If you already have an Amazon account, you can log in with it. If not, you’ll need to create one.

You’ll need to provide details about your website, blog, or social media accounts if you’re an influencer.

Decide how you’d like to be paid for the commissions you earn.

Once approved, you can start sharing products with your unique affiliate links.

Remember, you’ll earn a commission for purchases made through your links, so it’s important to choose products that you genuinely want to recommend and that you believe will be of interest to your audience.

3. Design and Sell with Merch by Amazon

Unleash your creativity, and let Amazon take care of the rest! With Merch by Amazon, your unique designs can find a new home on t-shirts, hoodies, and a variety of merchandise. It’s a seamless process: you upload your artwork, and Amazon handles the rest—printing, shipping, and customer service are all on them. Your role? Simply to create and earn royalties from every piece sold.

This platform is a dream come true for artists and designers who wish to share their vision with the world without the burden of inventory and production logistics. It’s not just about selling; it’s about expressing your passion and connecting with people who appreciate your art.

Merch by Amazon is more than a marketplace; it’s a community of creators and fans, a space where art comes to life and finds its audience. Whether you’re a doodler, a digital artist, or a graphic designer, your art deserves to be seen and worn. Start your Merch by Amazon journey today and watch as your designs travel from your imagination to wardrobes around the world.

What are some tips for designing merchandise on Merch by Amazon?

Designing merchandise on Merch by Amazon can be both fun and rewarding. Here are some tips to help you create designs that stand out and resonate with customers to make money from Amazon.

Know who you’re designing for. Research popular trends, themes, and niches that appeal to your target market.

Often, the most effective designs are not overly complicated. A simple, clean design can be more impactful and recognizable.

Ensure your images are high-resolution and clear to avoid any printing issues and to ensure your merchandise looks professional.

Familiarize yourself with Merch by Amazon’s design guidelines to make sure your designs meet their standards.

Designs may look different on various merchandise. Consider how your design will look on different items, from t-shirts to hoodies.

Create unique designs that haven’t been seen before. Originality will make your merchandise stand out in the marketplace.

Before finalizing, test how your design looks on the product. Sometimes, adjustments are needed to make sure it looks just right.

Share your designs with friends or a community of designers to get constructive feedback that could improve your work.

Keep your creativity flowing by seeking inspiration from the world around you, whether it’s nature, art, or pop culture.

Use analytics and customer feedback to understand what works and what doesn’t, and continuously improve your designs based on that data.

Remember, patience and persistence are key. Your first designs might not be a hit, but keep trying, learning, and adapting.

Make Money from Amazon

4. Sell handmade crafts with Amazon Handmade

Are you an artisan whose hands weave magic into jewelry, pottery, or other one-of-a-kind treasures? Picture your masterpieces in the spotlight on Amazon Handmade, a marketplace that cherishes the personal touch of small-scale creators like you. It’s a space where listing fees don’t exist, and a small referral fee is all that’s asked when your creations find their new homes.

Imagine connecting with a vast community of appreciators and collectors, eager to discover your work. Handmade at Amazon isn’t just a platform; it’s a celebration of craftsmanship, with over 800,000 artisans and small businesses thriving, contributing to a multi-billion-dollar tapestry of sales each year.

Amazon Handmade offers you the canvas to paint your business story, providing tools and support to help you reach customers who value the unique and handmade. It’s more than selling; it’s about becoming part of a global movement that honors the beauty of handcrafted goods so you can make money from Amazon.

5. Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) is like a treasure trove for those who find joy in the little things—be it data entry, taking surveys, or recognizing images. Sure, each task might just add a few cents to your piggy bank, but hey, every penny counts, right? Over time, those cents could turn into dollars. You can make money from Amazon Turk by doing little tasks.

Think of AMT as your cozy corner on the internet, where you can not only make some pocket money but also pick up new skills along the way. It’s like being part of a vast online community, all contributing to different research projects that might just shape the future!

But here’s a heads-up: It’s a bit like a bustling marketplace where everyone’s vying for the best deals. So, the competition can get pretty intense. And just like any market, your earnings will fluctuate. Some days you might feel like you’ve hit the jackpot, and on others, it’s just spare change. But that’s the beauty of it—it’s all about the hustle and the satisfaction of earning your keep, one task at a time.

What kind of tasks are available on AMT?

Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) offers a wide variety of tasks, known as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), that cater to different skill sets and interests. Here are some common types of tasks you can find on AMT:

  • Image/Video Processing: These tasks might involve tagging objects in images to improve search algorithms, moderating content, or classifying objects in satellite imagery.
  • Data Verification and Clean-up: Workers often help clean up databases by removing duplicate content, verifying product listings, or converting unstructured data into well-formed addresses.
  • Information Gathering: This could include filling out surveys, writing content for websites, or finding specific data in legal documents.
  • Data Processing: Tasks here might involve editing and transcribing audio content, translating text, or rating the accuracy of search results.

These tasks are designed to be completed by humans, who can do them more effectively than computers, especially when it comes to tasks requiring judgment and discernment. The flexibility and variety of tasks available make AMT a popular platform for those looking to earn money online while contributing to various projects.

6. Make Money Through Amazon Trade-In

Imagine turning the books you’ve already devoured and the gadgets you’ve outgrown into a little treasure chest. That’s what Amazon’s trade-in program is all about! It’s like a magical portal where your once-cherished novels and old tech can be swapped for Amazon gift cards or a sweet deposit to your bank account.

It’s not just about clearing out space or making a quick buck. It’s about the joy of knowing your beloved items are off to bring joy to someone else. And let’s be real: who doesn’t love a bit of extra cash? In the whirlwind year of 2022, a whopping 200 million items found new homes through this program.

So, why let those old favorites gather dust when they could be gathering smiles instead?

What kind of items are eligible for trade-in?

The Amazon Trade-In program welcomes a variety of items that you might have lying around. Here’s what you can trade in for an Amazon Gift Card:

  • Amazon Devices: Out with the old, in with the new! Trade in your previous-generation Amazon devices.
  • Electronics: Got an old phone or camera? See if it’s eligible for trade-in.
  • Video Games: Finished playing? Your games and gaming equipment could earn you some credit.
  • Books: Those reads you’ve finished can stack up to more than just knowledge.

Just remember, the condition of your item plays a big role in its trade-in value. So, the better shape it’s in, the more likely you’re likely to get it back. And the best part? Shipping your items for trade-in won’t cost you a penny.

Make Money from Amazon

7. Make money through Amazon Services

Do you have a way with words or a knack for nailing grammar? Maybe you’re the master of more than one language? If that sounds like you, then Amazon Services could be your stage! It’s a bustling online marketplace where businesses are on the lookout for someone just like you—a talented writer, a meticulous editor, or a savvy translator.

 You get to strut your stuff, showcasing all the amazing skills you’ve got. Set up a profile that shines, and let the world know what you bring to the table. And the best part? You call the shots on what you charge. It’s your talent, after all!

This isn’t just a gig; it’s a chance to grow your own business while helping others grow theirs. It’s about connections, opportunities, and making some good money from Amazon along the way. So, if you’re ready to turn your skills into a hustle, Amazon Services is waiting for you with open arms and endless possibilities.


Starting a side hustle can be exciting, and the best part is you don’t need money to begin! But remember, if you want it to grow, you’ve got to put in the work. It’s like planting a garden; you need to water it, pull out the weeds, and give it lots of love.

So, learn all you can about what you’re doing, get better at it every day, and tell everyone about your awesome work. The more you do, the more your little garden will flourish into something amazing.

I'm Asif Khan, just your regular blogger and content creator guy next door. In this little corner of the internet that I call my own, we're going to explore all the cool ways you can make money online.

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